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Showdown Mu Class

It's all a gamble- we place our bets and we make our moves. Some of us make it, while others don't. And in the end, only the best can showdown.

Nishat Jerin

Sister Uriel #1


Big: Sasha "Fiammétta" Persaud

Little: Nishi "Ziya" Patel


Status: Alum

Amber Rupani

Sister Seraph #2


Big: Anita "Solana" Ramdhani

Little: Pamela "Elani" Bautista


Status: Alum

Tanjeena Patwary

Sister Luminescence #3


Big: Sabrina "Prowess" Huda

Little: Maitri "Luciana" Joshi


Status: Alum

Jelise Singh

Sister ReinFOURce #4


Big: Sweta "Ayira" Sundaralingam

Little: Reena "Quantum" Chamhit

and Shivani "Chakra" Tailor


Status: Alum

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